Kvennalandslið Íslands hóf leik á Heimsmeistaramóti áhugamanna á miðvikudaginn. Mótið fer fram á Írlandi og Jussi Pitkänen afreksstjóri GSÍ er með liðinu á sínum „gamla heimavelli“. Jussi og skrifar ferðasögu frá HM – sem birtar eru hér á golf.is.
Hér er 5. kafli í þeirri sögu sem skrifaður var í seint í gærkvöld að loknum öðrum keppnisdegi.
„Today started off as a perfect day for scoring, which was seen by the USA, Korea and Japan hammering some impressive numbers on the board. Little or no wind, dry and good ground conditions meant perfection. However it is interesting to see how many teams struggled, as our practice rounds had been played in strong wind and everyones game plans, driving lines etc has been based on these conditions. It took our ladies a few holes to get into the round, and the back nine on the much harder Montgomerie course was very, very impressive. We will look to take this form into tomorrow’s third round, which we play on the O’Meara starting at 0935 alongside Chile and Slovenia.
We had a welcome visitor in Jude O’Reilly, former caddie for Henrik Stenson among others, and current performance coach; Jude will be a part of our support team over the next few years, to chat to the girls about their day and how we can improve things for tomorrow. After a good session on the range evaluating shot outcomes and pre shot routines, we settled on the following keys for round three:
Controlling mental state: need to define how we want to feel from the moment we wake up to walking to the first tee ready to go. Key words are determination and focus
Clarity, Comfortable and Committed on every shot from start to finish.
This process we hope will lead to better decisions, more committed shots and ultimately lower scores.
We have four rounds left to move up the leaderboard, lets go!
Helga Kristín Einarsdóttir, Ragnhildur Kristinsdóttir og Saga Traustadóttir skipa landslið Íslands. Jussi Pitkänen, afreksstjóri GSÍ, er með í för sem liðsstjóri. Þetta er í fyrsta sinn sem íslensku kylfingarnir keppa á HM áhugakylfinga.
Ísland er í 40. sæti eftir 2. keppnisdag af alls fjórum.
Helga Kristín Einarsdóttir 73 högg +1
Saga Traustadóttir 75 högg +3
Skor Ragnhildar Kristinsdóttur taldi ekki, 85 högg +13.
Ísland var í 37. sæti eftir fyrsta keppnisdaginn.
Saga Traustadóttir lék á 76 höggum +3
Helga Kristín Einarsdóttir lék á 79 höggum +6
Skor Ragnhildar Kristinsdóttur taldi ekki í dag, 85 högg +12